Tropical Rainforest Plants Names

Tropical rainforest plants names. These plants are famous for having the air roots. Central to South America including some Caribbean islands3 4 Natural Habitat. Detarioideae 2 Natural Distribution.
The Tropical Plant Database. On average it gets no more than 80 inches to 400 inches of rain each year down-pouring sometimes as much as 2 inches per hour. The Biggest Rainforest Flower.
Common examples of tropical rainforest plants some of the tropical rainforest plants are pineapple pepper palm tree orchid fern peanut orange lemon coffee banana and avocado. Also present are Saw palm Cats-foot Lichen Moss Twisty grass Teak Cypress Live Oak Parasol Plant Sargasso Sesame Cedar Palmetto. Tropical rainforests grow between 235 north and 235 south of the equator or between the tropics of capricorn and cancer where they typically receive up to 79 inches of rainfall a year and swelter in average temperatures in the.
Tropical rainforest plants names. The amazon rainforest produces more than 20 of the worlds oxygen 20 of the worlds fresh water and an innumerable collection of medicinal plants. Tropical rainforest plants are native to an area where the days and nights are of equal length.
With black seeds and evergreen leaves that can grow up to 20 feet tall the torch ginger plant is one of the most unusual yet striking plants in the tropical rainforest regions. A plant that acts as a mini ecosystem for several species of insect and other small creatures. Orangutan means man of the forest in malay.
Tropical rainforest plants names. We hope that you have enjoyed learning about some of the amazing plants in the tropical rainforest. STROBILANTHES DYERIANUS - THE PERSIAN SHIELD - DWARF SUPER PURPLE Native to higher elevations in Burma this broadleaf evergreen has a deep purple color.