Cat's Eye Nebula Adalah

The image from Hubbles Advanced Camera for Surveys ACS shows a bulls eye pattern of eleven or even more concentric rings or shells around the Cats Eye.
Cat's eye nebula adalah. It represents a late stage in the evolution of a star with less than 8 solar mass. Eagle Nebula Nebula Elang. The Cats Eye Nebula is also known as NGC6543.
Horse Head Nebula Nebula Kepala Kuda. Ant Nebula Nebula Semut. This image from the Hubble Space Telescope reveals the Cats Eye Nebula to be one of the most complex planetary nebulae known.
The Cats Eye Nebula. The name originates from a similarity in appearance to giant planets when viewed through a small optical telescope and is unrelated to planets of the solar system. The 8th-magnitude nebula is located about halfway between the stars delta δ and zeta ζ Draconis.
Planetary nebulae are like snowflakes. No two look alike. Struktur nebula ini merupakan salah satu struktur nebula paling kompleks yang pernah diketahui.
This image reveals new details of the Cats Eye Nebula catalogued as NGC 6543 one of the most complex planetary nebulae ever seen. The term planetary nebula is arguably a misnomer since this phenomenon is not associated with planets but perhaps was derived from the planet-like round shape of these emission nebulae as observed by. For northern stargazers the nebula and Draco are visible before midnight from May through.
Dalam situs web Teleskop Hubble sendiri dikatakan bahwa warna yang tertampil dalam berbagai foto obyek angkasa dari Hubble tidak selamanya menunjukkan warna asli jika dilihat dengan. The nebula formally cataloged NGC 6543 is every bit as inscrutable as the JRR. Struktur nebula ini merupakan salah satu struktur nebula paling kompleks yang pernah diketahui.